Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sunday Night

We had a good day today. Very good day.

The music was a little off – it’s not easy doing Christmas songs. Next week we’ll be firing on all six cylinders for sure.

There are so many good things happening at PCC right now – I mean good things. Everywhere I turn I witness something that floors me, astonishes me,
or fills my heart with gratitude.

God is doing stuff at PCC. I’m so excited about it that I’m not sleeping at night.

Our church has never been in as good of shape as it is right now.

I would attend PCC even if I were not the pastor.

I talked about sacrificial giving today as part of my message. I’m glad the people of PCC get it.

The Signs of Life message series and special offering is going very well thus far. I’m most impressed and pleased with the across-the-board response we are getting: testimonies, good reports, extra giving, and new creative components in our Sunday services.

We handed out 201 Commitment Cards to those who recently committed to the necessary habits of spiritual growth. Wow!

Some 90 needy families have been adopted or helped by members of our church family. I’m impressed!

I am looking forward to the next chapter in the life-cycle of PCC.

We hope to be doing a “live feed” on our video projectors in the near future.

You should have seen the children’s Christmas choir singing at Berryhill Manor on Saturday. It was very moving. If you weren’t there, you’ll see it in service next Sunday – we got it on film.

Our teen ministry and children’s ministry ROCKS. Yes, that’s on Sunday morning AND Wednesday nights.

The small groups of PCC are doing more, accomplishing more, and growing more than they ever have in our history.

I am going to have a very busy week this week. It looks like I will have twelve hour days + all week long. Yikes!

Several people committed their lives to God today. That NEVER gets old to me.

How about that video today? Amazing.

BTW - The price of gas right now is at a five-year low.