Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Call Me Old Fashioned

I have Bible software on my computer. I have BibleGateway.com as one of my friendly sites; which I access all the time. I have a blog and a Facebook account. But when it comes to studying for Sunday messages for the people of God and reading my Bible for personal study, I AM OLD SCHOOL. I prefer reading from an actual Bible that has onion skin pages with gold emboss along the edges. I also prefer a commentary printed on paper.

I love technology. After all, most people today grew up on it and it can be an effective tool in church services. But when I preach, I always have an actual Bible at the pulpit with me. Mine is marked up with multi colored pens, pencils, and highlighters. The pages are worn from overuse. Part of me feels like it seems more authentic and authoritative when I preach from that OLD BLACK BOOK. There is something about touching the leather cover of a Bible that is memorable and forceful to both the preacher and the people of God.

When I am preaching/teaching, I absolutely love it when I hear the pages of Bibles turning when people are following along in the text. I like it when people are paying attention and following along. I like it when people approach me after service and ask me for further explanation about a certain passage. I love it when I see people taking notes and marking up the pages of their Bibles.

I love it when God’s people have an old fashioned honor for the Word of God.

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