If you attend weekend services at PCC, you are going to have the opportunity to worship God and learn something from His Word. But there are additional opportunities for you to become more involved. If you want to get the most out of your PCC experience and have other ways to give something back, consider serving on one of our ministry teams.
MINISTRY TEAMS. Volunteers who serve on ministry teams are really the heartbeat of our church. These action-oriented groups make things happen every single weekend. When you're a part of a team you play a vital role in creating environments where people can go from where they are to where God wants them to be. You'll connect with a team leader who will care about you, pray for you, and "pastor" you. Below are some of the primary volunteer areas:
MINISTRY TEAMS. Volunteers who serve on ministry teams are really the heartbeat of our church. These action-oriented groups make things happen every single weekend. When you're a part of a team you play a vital role in creating environments where people can go from where they are to where God wants them to be. You'll connect with a team leader who will care about you, pray for you, and "pastor" you. Below are some of the primary volunteer areas:
- Age Level Ministries. If you have a heart for kids and a desire to help them follow Jesus, then our age level ministries might be a good choice; this is nursery, pre-school, elementary, middle school, and high school ages. For example, you can work as an assistant in one of these environments, lead a group discussion, or work with sound/ projection with the teens. You could assist with crowd control, help with security and check-in procedures, or become involved in short-term projects like Vacation Bible School. You could even help cook and prepare a meal for the teens on Wednesday nights. Note: Background check required.
- Production. If you know sound, lights, video and computers, then the production team is the right place for you. On the projection side, you would be responsible for projecting the song services, sermon notes and scriptures, pre-service announcements, countdowns, and videos. On the audio side, you would be responsible for the sound system for the music, all microphones, and CD duplication. As this area expands, it will also involve running cameras and editing video. Training provided.
- Guest Services. Every weekend our greeters, ushers, parking attendants, the Welcome Center, and hospitality team help our guests have an amazing experience at church. If you’ve got a great personality, are friendly, and love to serve others, then guest services might be a good place to plug in.
- Housekeeping. If you believe that keeping God’s house clean and in top shape is a high priority, then housekeeping is for you. Each Friday a large group of volunteers arrive at the church around 9:00 AM. We have breakfast together at 10:00 AM. After breakfast we resume cleaning the building (sanctuary, lobby, bathrooms, hallways, etc), washing windows, bulletin assembly, putting out pens and cards in the chairs, and watering plants. This is the last effort in preparation for Sunday.
- Security & Emergency Response. Nobody expects an emergency, but everyone needs a plan in case of an emergency. Our security and emergency response team works on plans and procedures in the event of child abduction, combative or armed persons, fire, severe weather, theft, power outages, or medical emergencies. Training provided.
- Campus Grounds & Landscaping. This dedicated group usually comes on Thursday or Friday afternoon to mow grass, trim, and edge. When you drive onto the PCC campus on Sunday morning and it looks mowed, maintained, and well-kept, it is because someone has worked very hard during the week. It like working outdoors and serving God at the same times, this group would be a good choice to consider.
- Building Maintenance. When a building gets used it needs repairs. Our facility is no different. It needs regular maintenance involving things like changing light bulbs in the sanctuary and parking lot, painting the walls, fixing leaky windows, checking exit signs, changing A/C filters, water heaters, inspecting weather stripping, storm drains and gutters, and the like.
Of course there are many more opportunities to serve at PCC, but this should give you an idea for now. If you are interested in any of these positions listed above, contact Gene Tharp at: gtharp@pacecommunitychurch.com or call 994-4319.
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