Friday, July 23, 2010

Shepherding, Small Groups, Ministry Teams, & Friendships

Christian people need a mixture of relationships to help maintain a healthy spiritual journey. We need shepherds over us – to guide us and teach us. We need good friends who stand beside us – they are there through thick and thick and in all seasons of life. And we need people under us; those that we are helping, serving, mentoring, and discipling.

Everything a church does, groups should be doing on a smaller scale. Think of them like colonies of a larger country. Just like our church has a master strategy, every group and ministry team has the same strategy – just on a smaller scale. i.e, They get people to church, lead them to Christ, shepherd them, and disciple them.

Groups, ministry teams, and friendship circles should be designed to help one another know Jesus Christ through the gospel, share the gospel, and live the gospel. Meeting in homes, in public places, or on campus, is about doing life and your spiritual journey in the context of trusted friends. In the Bible you see believers meeting together in this manner.

This isn’t just for adults either – it’s what we should be doing with children and students as well. Everyone benefits, even young people, when they have an accessible “go to” person who is actively involved in their life and spiritual journey.

One of my prayers is that God will raise up 40 new leaders at PCC – leaders who will lead groups of children, teenagers, adults, and ministry teams. There are many people in our church who need to STEP UP into leadership. You need to MAN UP and do what God is calling you to do. Christianity may be personal, but it is not private. One of the best ways to serve God is to serve others… by shepherding them, standing beside them, or helping them.

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