This is the worship band at Starbucks this morning before church. It looks like they are having too much fun to me. A couple of them are even doing the hoola-hoop in the place! I guess they were warming up for the worship service.
Thanks Shelby for the picture - I stole it from Facebook.
Ha! We DID have fun - hoolahooping in Starbucks ... TOO funny! AMAZING what you can do when rehearsal goes SO smoothly. Thanks to our techies & band who did such a GREAT job & got us through w/practice earlier than EVER. It was very refreshing to just have a little down-time together before services began. What a GREAT team I serve with!
Did Gene do the hoola-hoop?
Ha! Gene-Gene, the dancing machine - NOT! lol
Gene looked like he was thinking "I don't know any of these people"
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