Monday, June 13, 2011

Making the Transition to 500 and Beyond

Pace Community Church is what I would call a medium-sized church.  I won’t bore you with the statistics, but that is the category size we fall into.  Medium-sized churches are in a transitional phase.  What a church does at this level determines its future.  Either it breaks through the 500 attendance barrier and continues to grow, or either it gives up and allows gravity to run its course.  

All large churches were small at one time and grew from small, medium, to large.  So it’s obvious that a certain percentage of churches make it through this transitional phase.  Medium-sized churches face the decision of having to ADJUST their ministries to continue growing into a large church.  If they don’t make the appropriate adjustments, they will either plateau for a time or decline back to a small church size.  Some medium-sized churches plateau and remain at that size for a while, but the PULL DOWNWARD is stronger than the pull upward.  It’s usually just a matter of time before the plateaued church gets smaller.

I can’t allow that the happen to PCC.  God’s will for us is something greater than shrinking.  We are going to make the transistion and we'll make the appriate adjustments to get there.

Soli Deo Gloria

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