Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sunday Mind Dump - September 18, 2011

We had a nice jump in attendance today – with adults, children, and visitors.  There was a nice vibe in the house too.

I really enjoyed the songs.  For the second set we used to a couple of Vineyard songs from the 90s:  No Other and Let Your Glory Fall.  They were very relaxing, vertically focused, and God-honoring.

The sermon was on the Parable of the Talents.  While it’s an old and familiar passage, I think a lot of people were challenged with its insights.  It was a word of encouragement for those who are faithful and a sobering word for those who are unproductive.

A few quotes:

Having little to work with is no excuse for doing nothing at all.

From the least of us to the greatest of us, every one of us is fully obliged to be a faithful steward.

God claims ownership of everything, even to the farthest corner of our lives. 

You can do three things with your life:  You can spend your life (totally dissipate yourself until there is nothing left).  You can waste your life (and have nothing to show for your time on earth).  Or you can invest your life (in the things that really matter).

I met a first-time visitor at church who showed up with a “Check list” in hand.  Within five minutes of meeting him, he questioned me about his “hot button” issues.  Funny thing, I just wrote about this last week (click here).  His two main questions were:  Do the people of this church like ‘deep teaching?’” and “What form of government does this church have?”  I answered his questions.  I don’t think he’ll be back.  (:-)

He expressed no interest in us, only items 1-and-2 on his checklist.

Don’t forget we are having a FALL FEST and CHILI COOKOFF on October 30th, the night before Halloween.  Everyone is invited.  This is a great opportunity for fellowship and to hang out together.  Besides, it’s going to be a blast.

This week at PCC:  Tuesday evening is “Women of Purpose” and “Financial Peace University.  Wednesday evening is “Youth Group” for Middle & High School teens.  Thursday evening is “PCC University” (a total of five-or-six Bible elective classes).  Friday at 10:30 a.m. is LUNCH for the housekeeping volunteers. 

Yesterday afternoon was the 50’s+ Fellowship Group.  They had a picnic together at the park on our church campus.

Dang!  We’re busy.

Here’s a quote I read today:  Another proof of our fallen nature is our uncanny ability to clearly see the faults of everyone except ourselves (Rom.2:1-3).

Dear PAT ROBERTSON, I heard you say on television the other day that it is acceptable for a person do divorce their spouse if they get Alzheimer’s Disease.  Tell me, what part of “in sickness and in health, for better for worse” DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?

After church I went to my sister's house for a family meal together.  Really enjoyed myself.

My Tahoe is in the shop for repairs – fuel injectors – big bucks.  It’s a 1998 (13  years old) with more than 200,000 miles on it.  I’ve gotten my moneys worth out of it, but I think I might have to buy another vehicle after the first of the year.  Not looking forward to that.

I’m having lunch with Rob Hadding, the pastor of Christ Church, on Tuesday of this week.  Pretty excited.

I hope to put my boat in the water soon.  The weather is mild and more comfortable than the blistering sun and 103 degree temperatures of summer.  We have great waterways in this area, perfect for outdoor recreational activities.

If I catch any fish, I’ll post pictures  (:-)

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