Friday, January 6, 2012

We're Hosting a Meet & Greet

We’ve done them in the past calling them Pastors Chat, Newcomers Coffee, or Newcomers Lunch.  For 2012 we’re changing it up a bit to call it Meet & Greet.

People want to know the pastor.  There are too many reasons to list them all here.  But for starters, people think of their pastor (who they hear teaching every weekend) as their shepherd and caregiver.  They want to be known.  They want to feel personally cared for.

A church may have good systems in place that include teams of volunteers and other leaders who provide such care.  And many times they are the first responders in time of need.  However, tremendous value is communicated to guests and newcomers when they are able to get directly to the staff, including the senior/teaching pastor.

At PCC we’re hosting a Meet & Greet in two weeks, on January 22 after the morning service.  This will be an informal coffee with finger foods and appetizers.  The entire staff of PCC along with their spouses will be there to meet and greet our newcomers.  During these conversations, we’ll be able to hear enough of the guests’ stories to offer them appropriate next step opportunities for their journey towards Christ.

People experience personal value during events like these because their assumption that “this church is too big to meet the pastor” is blown away.  Additionally, because they’ve stepped out of the “crowd” of the weekend service and have taken a step to be known, the majority of them take a next step almost immediately.

This intentional touch communicates the care people want to experience and the connection we want to provide.

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