I have spent the last week revising Seminar 201 – Essentials for Spiritual Growth – and just finished this afternoon. Not an easy job. Tomorrow morning I’ll give the syllabus a final look, then it will go to print.

Oh, it’s going to be challenging too. We’ll talk about sacrificial living, carrying your cross, why the cross is an instrument of death and what it means for us, myths of spiritual growth, stewardship, overcoming materialism by putting God first in my finances, being a “doer” of the Word and not a hearer only, how to read your Bible completely through in four months, how to prayer-journal, the value of a prayer-journal, why spiritual maturity is best measured by your behavior than your beliefs, the need for personal holiness, how to use the Hebrew Names of God as a prayer guide, and much more!
This updated version of 201 is being made available due to the changing makeup of people now in the PCC congregation, as well as the increasing maturity level of the PCC family over the last fourteen years.
This updated version of 201 is being made available due to the changing makeup of people now in the PCC congregation, as well as the increasing maturity level of the PCC family over the last fourteen years.
Currently there are forty-four people signed up, but there’s room for more. Even if you have taken this seminar in the past, you might consider re-taking it as a refresher. I'm sure it will nudge you forward, provoke a new hunger, and rekindle your desire for things spiritual. Besides, there’s a bunch of new people at PCC right now and this would be a great opportunity to meet new people, enjoy fellowship and make new friends. Plus, we’re going to have a fabulous meal together.
The seminar starts at 4:00 PM Sunday. Join us.
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