Thursday, August 30, 2012

Care verses Limited Resources

From time to time we will receive requests for our church to donate to certain causes, to support other non-profit organizations, to pay for someone’s power bill, to support a foreign missionary, to fund a new ministry, or to take up a special offering for a community drive.  The only problem with so many requests is that PCC has a limited amount of resources (both financial and manpower) to offer.  Therefore 'our'  agenda receives first priority in the decision procress.  In other words, we fund the ministires that we have deemed essential to our mission before anything else is even considered.

You just don’t care” some might object. 

It’s not that we don’t care.  It’s just that there is a limit to how many times we can say yes.  We take our financial commitments very seriously.  We make no  spur of the moment decisions, no matter how compelling they are.  Nor do we allow an emotional response to drive our funding decisions.  Every need is legitimate, but there are not enough resources for every need.

That’s why we will always ensure that PCC is able to support itself before we support another non-profit organization.  We will pay our own utility bill before we pay someone else’s.  We will not siphon money away from our essential ministries to fund another project.  And we will spend money on local missions before foreign ones.

How we define local missions:  Reaching People for Christ 


Samantha Webster said...

What are you considering local mission? And what is our church currently supporting that I might get invilved in?

Ron said...

We define local missions as being witnesses for Christ, beginning in our own community (see Acts 1:8), and making disciples (see Matthew 28:19-20). Pace is our "Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria" - which is where we begin before going to the "uttermost parts of the earth."

Yes, we are called to make a global impact, but it begins where we live and those closest to us: our families, neighbors, co-workers, and community. That means simply walking across the room, across the street, or picking up phone to share one's faith with the lost, or offering practical help to the hurting.

I've written about this before at length. Go back to the blog - I've added a link at the bottom of this page that elaborates.

If you are interested in supporting some of what we do, a few options instantly come to mind:

1. Commandment Projects. A recently launched ministry that is currently active. See Ann Lewis. She is the point of contact.

2. Our teenagers and youth department engage in "community service projects" from time to time. Most recently, about three weeks ago.

3. Another similar ministry is slated to begin in a few months. It will be home repairs for the poor and needy. Bobby Burkette is the point of contact.

4. Making disciples is the pinnacle of local missions. There is no Plan B.

5. Beyond these, it's a matter of personal responsibility to involve ourselves in things like visiting widows and orphans in their affliction - something God calls "pure religions" and "undefiled before the Father" (James 1:27).

This only scratces the surface. Hope it helps.

Samantha Webster said...

thanks I got with Ann this morning at church!