Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Faithful with What We've Been Given

I suppose it’s normal for most people that they want to leave their mark on the world.  We want to leave a legacy.  And there is something positive about wanting to reach large numbers of people with the Gospel.  After all, Jesus said to ‘go into all the world’ and preach the gospel.

Yet, very few of us really get to influence large numbers of people.  That’s just the way it is.  The task is too big and we are limited in abilities and/or resources.  There are billions of people in the world and tens of thousands in our community, so it is simply impossible for me or you to reach everyone with the good news, to help everyone, or minister to everyone.  Even if we could, not everyone responds to the message.

This is where we have to accept God’s sovereignty:  We are not called to do more than God gives us to do.

In the parable of the talents, one man was given five talents, another two, and the final servant was given one talent.  These talents were distributed according to the ability of each man.  Then each servant was instructed to do business with what he was given and was not expected to do more than he was given to work with.  The expectation of those with fewer talents was less than those with more talents. 

So if you are a pastor of a small flock, enjoy the flock that God has given you and remain faithful in your call. If you are a small group leader, Sunday School teacher, youth worker, nursery attendant or parking coordinator, serve faithfully and be confident of God’s approval of your labor.  That’s what you’re called to do.

Regarding PCC, the principle is the same:  We are not called to do more than God has given us to do.  But we must be faithful with what we have.

It is a big world out there, but God has not lost track of all the billions of people in it.  We can be confident that His plan for humanity will not be thwarted by our limitations, so rest in His sovereignty. 

Be faithful with what God has called you to do, and let Him worry about the rest.  The standard of judgment is faithfulness in what we’ve been given to do, not your own grand design.

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