Monday, May 25, 2015

Harvested Potatoes Today

Monday, Memorial Day.  

Renae and I spent the day in the garden catching up on chores, harvesting potatoes, and planting three rows of brown crowder peas.  Here's a few pictures of the day...

She looks good... even when working in the garden

The result of hard work - about 150 pounds of potatoes

A row of squash

A 100 ft row of tomatoes - several varities

This tomato is about 4 inches wide right now
(It's one of my heirlooms - a cat faced variety)

Sunflowers in the garden - they attract bees
which pollinate the blooms on my vegtables

This is a pic of the larger potatoes on a drying rack.
I still have four boxes of smaller spuds.

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