Let me begin by saying that PCC is not the only church in America. There are other churches, good churches, which are as loved by their members as PCC is by ours. This is not about making comparisons with other churches – that’s for losers. PCC has been good for me and this is my own experience. BTW, I wrote a related article a couple of days ago, here.
I love my church because:
- A move of God is taking place here and lives are being changed every single day!
- We are on fire for God!
- My life got rearranged through the ministry focus of PCC
- New believers are being grounded in the faith and growing up towards maturity. Christians are being discipled… deeply. Kingdom stuff is happening all the time.
- Some of my closest friends attend there…. people I did not even know a few years ago
- You can ask for nearly anything and there is always someone ready to say “yes” and help out
- This is a body of believers who go out of their way to help others who are sick or hurting
- Our members love to invite their friends to services with them
- My family looks forward to going to church here
- The truth is always taught here
- The atmosphere is great… not creepy
- We have fun….. (and no, having fun in church is not a sin)
- We affirm the essentials of the Christian faith, while granting liberty in the non essentials
- We believe the Bible is the WORD OF GOD and have a high view of the scriptures
- We sometimes teach hard doctrine
- The people of this church family actually like each other… and we share in each others weddings, funerals, births, and baptisms. I love it that there is a prayer chain, that, at any moment, has people praying for different needs within our church.
- We have so many cheerful givers that enable us to carry out the mission of the Church
- Of the character, integrity, and humility of our leaders
- It’s made up of a wide diverse group of people from all walks of life; young, old, students, lots of kids, blue-collar workers, professionals, teachers, even a Ph.D. or two. We come together in our diversity and worship Christ together.
- I love my church because it cares about my spiritual walk
Just wanted to say - I love my church as well - we're not members YET - but PCC 101 is coming up! If it hadn't been for FPU and Joyce Hughes, we still would not have a church home. We've felt right about PCC from the very beginning and look forward to many more years of worship. God is truly in every little details. Bless you and see you Sunday
Thanks Christine,
Your comments were gracious and kind. I'm glad that you consider PCC "your" church and not just the one you attend.
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