I now realize there is an entire generation younger than me because they don’t remember:
- Hood ornaments
- Family Pictures at Olan Mills
- Corduroy pants
- The Cold War
- Sanka Coffee
- Glass Coke bottles
- Tube socks and short shorts
- Mullet hair cuts
- Foghat & Slow Ride
- Only three television channels... with no remote control
- Sony Walkman
- Nothing open on Sundays
- ZZ Top & Cheap Sunglasses
- Letters actually written with a pen
- Mork & Mindy
- Feathered hair
- The Doors & Riders on the Storm
I guess a rocking chair is in my near future..... and we probably need a few 20-something-year-olds in leadership positions at PCC too.
You forgot to list CD radios!
Yeah and don't forget the Lone Ranger, the twenty something crowd has no idea who he is either. And AMEN!! WHEN IS OUR TWENTY SOMETHING CROWD GOING TO STEP UP AND START LEADING our twenty something crowd....We have a lot of gifted young adults at PCC...with initials JC :)
I think I came across some vintage tube socks and short shorts when I was cleaning out Scott's chest of drawers this summer!
And yes, we have some very capable young adults who would do a tremendous job in ministry!
Wow! What a blast from the past. You did however forget to mention 8 track tapes in the car with the hood ornaments. Oh yeah one other clothing item is the bell bottoms and platform shoes.
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