Solid day.
Attendance has been steadily climbing the last three weeks. Glad to see it. A lot of guests in both services.
Sixteen people signed up for Seminar 101 this morning. I’m hopeful that even more will sign up over the next couple of weeks. This is a connection point for newcomers to PCC. I’m been thinking about changing the name to “Newcomers Class.”
I played guitar today. Really enjoyed it. I will not be on the stage next Sunday.
The way we are receiving the offering still needs improvement. The placement is perfect; our execution is not. Last week’s execution was better than today. Go figure. We will stay with it until we get it right!
After church today Gene and I discovered that the water main (back flow preventer) by the highway is busted and pouring water. No telling how long this has been happening; probably since last week when the temperatures got down so low. I panicked when I saw the dial spinning like a top! We turned the water off and will contact the water company (or contractor) tomorrow. Not only will we have a higher water bill this month, but we’re also facing an expensive repair. Good grief.
I made another hospital visit after church today. Carolyn R. (who we visisted last Sunday) had a setback this week and was put in ICU. Thankfully, she is doing much better now.
Finally got home about 4:00 PM.
Renae is out of town overnight. She and two other ladies from PCC have gone to Tallahassee to visit a couple of ladies from our previous church (which is near Gainesville). They are all meeting at the halfway point.
Had a killer workout yesterday. Now is the time of year to be stepping it up; the weather is mild with low humidity which makes it much easier to have an intense workout routine. Besides, we have short winters around here and before long we won’t be wearing those big, frumpy winter clothes that cover up all those problem spots.
Facebook comments….
Sharon said, Church was great again today. I am so thankful our Pastor is not afraid to preach the Word of God, and it doesn't have to be sugar coated. Pastor Ron tells it like it is. Thank you Pastor Ron!!!
Mary said, Awesome service today. Great teaching on the conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus. Religious legalism will not get you to heaven. The simplicity of salvation still confounds many. Quotes of the day: "You don't join the family of God, you are born into it." "It's an invisible internal work that only God can do." AMEN.
Bill said, If we would just religiously seek Him we certainly will find the spiritual thread that binds us to Him.
Sharon said, Another good quote for today was "Faith always comes before understanding."
Christa said, Church was GREAT today!!! The Worship blessed me and the teaching CHALLENGED me!!!! I love that I go to a Church were there is amazing talent and a Pastor that is funny and intelligent!!! The comment about the chicken just cracked me up today!!!
Rhonda said, Great message today....especially liked your quote "you do not join the family of takes a spiritual rebirth to do so."
Polly said, You know when everyone in the music group was bobbin their heads, even Pastor Ronnie, u know the Holy Spirit had arrived at Pace Community Church this morning!!!
Loraine said, Get your worship on, friends, we serve a mighty God! He is worthy!!
Beverly said, Notes from PCC: Salvation is an inward work in our heart. It's invisible. God transforming us from the inside out. We could never be good enough to earn it with our good works. It is a "GIFT" given freely by God. When your heart is ready and you receive God's "GIFT"...the work begins... "God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved." John 3:17
Susan said, Amen! Today was a great sermon! It is the kind of word you never tire of hearing!
Ron B. said, Great sermon today in church. Pastor Ron sure did put a different perspective on John 3:16 "THAT WHOSOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM" - all those verses before3:16 sure makes you think about believing in Him.
Donnie Smith and John Wise and been repainting the walls inside the church building since before Thanksgiving. To date they have painted the teen room, kitchen, children’s hallway, children’s bathroom, and nursery. They are doing this in the evenings after work, and it has been a very big job. Donnie is a professional painter, so the quality of work is exceptional. Additionally, both he and John are doing this for free, which is an enormous help to our church. Thank you!
The fear of long words is called "hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia." No kidding!
The word “abbreviation” is too long for its meaning too.
I love PCC and the people in it.
There is nothing more fulfilling than seeing a dream become a reality. Twelve and a half years ago, I could have never imagined….
Instead of putting on a show each week, or pretending that we are overly pious, we just try to be real. We don’t take ourselves too seriously, but we do take God’s Word seriously.
If a ministry is God-anointed, it doesn't matter who criticizes it. If it's not anointed, it doesn't matter who praises it.
My new Jack Russell puppy is almost grown in size. She is a delight to have… and a very handsome dog. I’ll publish a picture of her this week.
I would like to pod cast the sermons online (from our website). Maybe we’ll make it happen this year.
In fact, it’s time for our church to have a new website. After so long, they lose their impact.
Does anyone know anything about Vimeo? It’s a HD video, much better than YouTube for posting church stuff.
Peace, out. Gotta go.
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