Friday, March 15, 2013

Friday Five

1. This Sunday we conclude the series based on I Timothy – Doing Church God's Way. The final message is entitled: Clear Commands for Godliness. We're really going to go out with a bang!

2. Communion will be received Next Sunday. Can't wait.

3. Bi-vocational. I've been in the ministry for 30+ years and most of that time has been bi-vocational. Of the 15 years I've pastored PCC I was bi-vocational for 9 of those years, working two business that I owned (as a sole proprietorship). It was very hard, but also very rewarding. I’m thinking about returning to a bi-vocational role again. I will reveal the reasons why on Monday.

4. Me and Renae are ready to enter the next chapter of our lives. The kids are grown, our house is empty, and we're reconnecting with each other as we look to the future. We have plans. We are very excited.

5.  We thank God for the non-demanding people of our remarkable church family.

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