I don’t normally see a boogie man behind every bush, and I am also reluctant to over-spiritualize every inconvenience in life as being “of the devil. But I’ve got to admit that I think we are under spiritual attack right now in a way that is more intense than normal. In the last 6-8 weeks I have seen more misfortune, pain, trouble, problems, suffering, grief, sicknesses, life-threatening illnesses, tragic events, and just downright tribulation come against a large number of members in our church family that it has left me wondering, “What in the world is going on?” I’ve concluded that it is satanic. The sheer volume, intensity, and timing of all these events converging at once leave me no other choice to think otherwise.
You may recall that I have repeatedly stated in my blogs over the last several weeks something to the effect, “There is a lot of pain in our church family right now, and I feel overwhelmed.” It's been building and building with each passing day. Well, it’s only increasing and the number of people being affected (in many different ways) is on the rise. Let me give you a for-instance: Four of the five staff members at PCC is in a major personal crisis right now! Is that a coincidence? I don’t think so. We find ourselves having to minister to people while we ourselves are in the middle of our own personal battles. That is an enormous load to bear. But it doesn’t begin and end with PCC’s staff. The same is true of many of our key ministry leaders, families, and volunteers. In fact, it’s across the board – from the pew to the pulpit. Is this a coincidence? I don’t think so. All of this is happening at a time when our church attendance is on the rise, worship is more God-honoring, and more people are being discipled than ever before. Is this a coincidence? I don’t think so.
I think PCC is headed for a significant spiritual breakthrough… and I also think the devil is mad.
What do you think? Leave me a comment. (Follow the instructions carefully to ensure your comment gets through).
You may recall that I have repeatedly stated in my blogs over the last several weeks something to the effect, “There is a lot of pain in our church family right now, and I feel overwhelmed.” It's been building and building with each passing day. Well, it’s only increasing and the number of people being affected (in many different ways) is on the rise. Let me give you a for-instance: Four of the five staff members at PCC is in a major personal crisis right now! Is that a coincidence? I don’t think so. We find ourselves having to minister to people while we ourselves are in the middle of our own personal battles. That is an enormous load to bear. But it doesn’t begin and end with PCC’s staff. The same is true of many of our key ministry leaders, families, and volunteers. In fact, it’s across the board – from the pew to the pulpit. Is this a coincidence? I don’t think so. All of this is happening at a time when our church attendance is on the rise, worship is more God-honoring, and more people are being discipled than ever before. Is this a coincidence? I don’t think so.
I think PCC is headed for a significant spiritual breakthrough… and I also think the devil is mad.
What do you think? Leave me a comment. (Follow the instructions carefully to ensure your comment gets through).
Hi Pastor Ron,
I know that you are right with what you have posted. I know that there is spirual warefare going on, but what I also see is people getting stronger through these many trials. I have a great feeling that something great is about to happen. I just don't know what. Satan may attack, but if we live for God and obey him he can't win. AMEN. Thank you so much for the message this morning.
Sandy Huber
Ronnie, I have felt the same myself. Through my prayer time, devotions, and books that have crossed my path within the past week, it all speaks to me about spiritual warfare. I definitely agree with you, we are in an intense spiritual battle. The Spirit of God has been checking my heart on loving the people that upset me.
It's funny that you spoke of anger this morning. The Holy Spirit was already dealing with me on that this week. How can God move in my life, how can I expect God to answer my prayers, if I harbor anger in my heart. If I can't love my enemy, as He has told me to do. So I am sure it is no coincidence that you spoke on that. Then again, nothing you ever speak on is a coincidence.
The Spirit has also been checking me on fear. I have to understand that I cannot respond to bad circumstances in my life with fear, if I do I am no better than an unbeliever and cannot expect God to do anything for me. We live in a time where fear is being pushed on everyone. Isn't that just great for Satan. A tragedy for the church if they buy into it.
As you well know, it is crucial that we battle these things, with the fruits of the spirit, love, joy, gentleness...... especially faith expressing itself through love. We must be sure that nothing hinders our prayers during these times in which we live. It will take each of us really searching our own heart in these matters, then make the necessary changes, pray forgiveness.
Thank you for being so in tune with what is happening among us and what the Lord is wanting to do through us.
I had a difficult and depressing day-I was told my son doesn't believe in God. I plan to confront the issue-right now I am still in a state of shock. You see my daughter told me this,I know she wouldn't lie. I feel like my heart has been ripped out. I knew my son-in-law had these issues but now my own son. I do feel like the devil has leaped on me big time and your anger sermon really helped because I immediately was angry. I'll fix him -I won't call him etc. I will but I need time. I don't think I'll get the truth when I do as my son is a people-pleaser and tells you what you want to hear. Sorry for the dumping.
I believe you are right. Lorraine and I have felt for a couple of weeks that we are under attack as well. The more we seem to try to do what is right the more push back we get. I have to say though, that as long as the Devil is mad and trying to stop what is right then we are doing the right things. I am reminded daily of 1 Peter 4:12-13 and 1 Peter 5:6-8
It could be God is doing great things through the increased attendance now verses a few years ago at the school.As I saw in a small group I was in had 8 people,it was very personnal and people grew close.That same class has over twenty people this go round. You can not be that close to each when your numbers increase. If only one person actually attends, they have many more in their family.Even though PCC attendance may be around 500-you are probably touching 2000 to 3000 lives.
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